The Duncannon 24 is coming April 16, 2011.
The Hikers this year can meet at the Doyle Hotel in Duncannon PA on April 15, and we will be shuttled out to PA 74 road crossing on the morning of the 16th and begin our trek back to Pat and Vicki's. The hike is 24 miles long over very easy terrain. The objective is to begin the hike with a pack filled with 24 12 oz beers and finish the mileage and the beer 24 hours later. The finish line is somewhere on the grounds of the Doyle Hotel.
The Hike, while seemingly a lot of miles is actually quite flat. The first ten miles have virtually no elevation change. There are two minor climbs; the first being the ascension to Darlington Shelter which is a quick 600 ft or so, and the second is the climb up to Cove Mtn, about 400ft, before descending into Duncannon.
A pretty good hiker can accomplish this hike, sober, in likely 10 hours or less.
there will be prizes. Zany behavior is encouraged, (reckless behavior less so).
Darlington Shelter
This is The Doyle